A image about me

Francisco Perez

Software Engineer

First be a good person, then be a good professional,
I'm both.


I'm a self-taught person, I learn from the internet, courses, but I also have studies in the university.

Universidad Tecnologica Nacional - Logo
Systems Engineering
I start study in Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, my first career in the university, here I learn about the software development, databases, and more.
Universidad Tecnologica Nacional - Logo
React Advanced
I start study in RollingCode School where I learn states, props, hooks, customhooks, context, redux and more.
Universidad Tecnologica Nacional - Logo
FullStack Development
I start study in RollingCode School where I learn MERN Stack (MongoDB, Expess, React, Node.js) and more.

Laboral Experience

Here you can see my laboral experience.

  1. Advanced Backend Tutor

    November 2023 - May 2024

    Universidad Tecnologica Nacional - Logo

    I was a tutor the backend area, teaching the students the complex concepts of the backend in Node.js.

  2. Basic Web Development Tutor

    May 2024 - Present

    Universidad Tecnologica Nacional - Logo

    I was a tutor in the initial frontend area, teaching the students concepts in the frontend such as HTML, CSS


My projects group by purpose.


At the university I have developed software, systems, automation and telecommunications projects, applying theoretical knowledge in practical solutions.


The projects that I do on my own as an internship or projects that I do in groups outside of courses.


The projects related to courses I have taken during my professional career, principally in RollingCode School.


Feel free to get in touch..

Argentina, Tucumán
+54 9 381 541-2480